Friday, January 1, 2016



“Vajrasana is done by kneeling & placing the buttocks between the heels, the right big toe overlapping the left"-as the Hatha Yog Padipika states. 

Vajrasana is derived from the Sanskrit word “Vajra” that means the thunderbolt or unbreakable. 
The Practice of Vajrasana is extremely beneficial for health, as few benefits are as follow:
  • Helpful in curation of constipation, acidity and stomach disorder as it improves the digestion system.
  • Helps in getting rid of the back pain.
  • Helps in  obesity reduction.
  • It strengthens the thigh muscles.
  • It improves and increases the blood circulation. 
Along with all these benefits, it is also remarkable, that Vajrasana is the only asana that could be done in all the conditions, irrespective of having an empty stomach or not. It is always to be taken care of not practicing Vajrasana until the ankles and knees are sufficiently flexible. Vajrasana is not advisable in patient suffering from knee problems or in pregnancy when extra weight cannot be borne by the knee joints.

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