Saturday, January 9, 2016

Ushtrasana- The Camel Pose

The Sanskrit word “Ushtra” suggests the meaning of “ Camel”, and so the asana is known as The Camel Pose in english.

A few benefits of a regular practice of this asana are:

  • By giving a stretch on the muscles of neck, Ushtrasana helps in proper functioning of the thyroid glands (The glands responsible for regulating body’s various metabolisms), thus preventing distinct diseases like Goiters, Thyroid Cancer, Thyroid Nodules, Hyperthyroidism, etc related to thyroid gland.
  • Ushtrasana is extremely beneficial for the curation of diseases related to indigestion and constipation.
  • Ushtrasana has been proven very helpful in functioning of the reproductive system, thus curing many diseases related to it.
Thus Ushtrasana has many benefits, if done under proper guidance, and especially for the patients suffering from Thyroid problems.

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