Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Ashtang Yoga

The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root “युज्” meaning to bind,join, attach, and to direct and concentrate one’s attention on, to use and apply. It means to get joined; union of “आत्मा” (soul) to “परमात्मा” (god) ; it is the true union of our will with the will the God. Yoga means disciplining of the will, the intellect, the mind and the emotions. It is the poise of soul that enables one to look at the life in all its aspects evenly. The system of yoga is so called “ईश्वर ”(Supreme Universal Spirit) because it teaches the means by what human spirit (आत्मा) can be united to, or be in communication with Parmatama, and so secure liberalisation(मोक्ष). One who follows the path of yoga is called ‘yogi’ or “yogin”. The yogi gradually progresses through the study of yoga and then achieves the condition of ‘समाधी’ (Salvation), hereby attaining the manifestation of God.

There are various names of yoga but one must get confused about it. Since an individual is one but posses various limbs, likewise the yoga having different names is also one. Maharshi Patanjali has shown the unity of these eight limbs is Yoga. Because of these eight limbs, it became famous as Ashtang(Asht:Eight; Ang:limbs) Yog. The eight steps of Ashtang Yoga in series form are:
  1. Yam (Social or practical religion)
  2. Niyam (Self Control)
  3. Asana (Physical Posture)
  4. Pranayam (Spiritual practice-involving deep breathing )
  5. Pratyahara (Complete control over senses; Self-denial)
  6. Dharna (Determination)
  7. Dhyana (Meditation; Concentration)
  8. Samadhi (Salvation)