Sunday, January 24, 2016

Chakrasana - The Wheel Pose

“Chakra”, the Sanskrit word suggests the meaning of “wheel”. Thus as the name suggests, the backward bending position Chakrasana is also called The Wheel Pose.

The immensely beneficial asana’s benefits can noted as follows:
  • Chakrasana is very beneficial for the proper functioning of different body systems like nervous system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, etc. 
  • Chakrasana by giving pressure over the arms and wrists, strengthens the same.
  • Chakrasana helps in proper secretion of the harmones.
  • It has been proven extremely helpful in curing gynaecological diseases and disorders.
Chakrasana should always be performed under proper guidance and it is to be taken care of that this asana should not be performed by any person suffering from spinal injuries or cardiac diseases.

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