Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dhanurasana- The Bow Pose

“Dhanu” means “Bow” and thus Dhanursana is also known as “The Bow Pose”.

The benefits of Dhanurasana are:

  • Dhanurasana has been proven very beneficial for the obesity reduction.
  • Dhanurasana regulat the proper functioning of the digestive system, thus improving digestion process as well as giving relief in gastric troubles.
  • Dhanurasana is extremely helpful for stress control.
  • Dhanurasna brings elasticity to the spines, thus curing diseases like slip-disc.

Thus this asana if performed under proper guidance, then can help curing many diseases.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Chakrasana- La description en Français

“Chakra”, le mot Sanskrit qui suggère la signification la “Roue”. Donc comme le mot suggère, la position d’être courbé à l’envers- Chakrasana  s'appelle aussi  “La position de roue”.

Les avantages de cet asana sont comme suits:
  • Chakrasna est très bénéfique pour la fonctionnement propre des système différents du corps comme le système nerveux, le système digestif, le système cardiaque, etc.
  • En donnant la pression sur les bras et les poignets, Chakrasana les renforce.
  • Chakrasna aide la sécrétion propre des hormones.
  • On a prouvé qu'il est très bénéfique pour guérir les maladies gynécologiques.
 Il faut que Chakrasana soit pratiquer sous la houlette de coach et prenez soin de ne pas le pratiquer si vous souffrez des blessures spinales.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Chakrasana - The Wheel Pose

“Chakra”, the Sanskrit word suggests the meaning of “wheel”. Thus as the name suggests, the backward bending position Chakrasana is also called The Wheel Pose.

The immensely beneficial asana’s benefits can noted as follows:
  • Chakrasana is very beneficial for the proper functioning of different body systems like nervous system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, etc. 
  • Chakrasana by giving pressure over the arms and wrists, strengthens the same.
  • Chakrasana helps in proper secretion of the harmones.
  • It has been proven extremely helpful in curing gynaecological diseases and disorders.
Chakrasana should always be performed under proper guidance and it is to be taken care of that this asana should not be performed by any person suffering from spinal injuries or cardiac diseases.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ushtrasana- La Description en Français

Le Sanskrit mot “Ushtra” suggère la signification de “Dromadaire”, et c’est pourquoi l’asana est appelé comme “Ushtrasana”.

Quelques avantages de cet asana sont:
  • En donnent un stretch aux muscles de cou, Ushtrasana aide en propre fonctionnement de la glande thyroïde ( Les glandes responsable pour le fonctionnement de différent métabolisme du corps.), donc évite les différent maladies comme Goitre, cancer de la thyroïde, hyperthyroïdie, etc.
  • Ushtrasana est très bénéfique pour la traitement des maladies de indigestion et constipation.
  • Ushtrasana est prouvé très utile dans le fonctionnement de système reproducteur, et aide en guérir les maladies de même.
Donc Ushtrasana a beaucoup de avantages, si pratiquer sous un bonne orientation.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Ushtrasana- The Camel Pose

The Sanskrit word “Ushtra” suggests the meaning of “ Camel”, and so the asana is known as The Camel Pose in english.

A few benefits of a regular practice of this asana are:

  • By giving a stretch on the muscles of neck, Ushtrasana helps in proper functioning of the thyroid glands (The glands responsible for regulating body’s various metabolisms), thus preventing distinct diseases like Goiters, Thyroid Cancer, Thyroid Nodules, Hyperthyroidism, etc related to thyroid gland.
  • Ushtrasana is extremely beneficial for the curation of diseases related to indigestion and constipation.
  • Ushtrasana has been proven very helpful in functioning of the reproductive system, thus curing many diseases related to it.
Thus Ushtrasana has many benefits, if done under proper guidance, and especially for the patients suffering from Thyroid problems.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Trikonasana- Triangle Pose

Trikonasana gets its name from the Sanskrit word “Trikon” which means “Triangle”. 

This asana provides with a number of benefits, of which a few are:
  • By giving a stretch on the muscles of spine, waist and calf, it strengthens them all.
  • It is very beneficial for the reduction of extra fat from waist and thighs.
  • The practice of this asana results in proper functioning of digestive system, thus benefitting the people suffering from constipation and indigestion.
  • This asana helps attaining the flexibility in the muscles of chest, shoulders, spine, legs and hips.
It is to be taken care of that the asana should always be practiced under proper guidance.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Matsyendrasana- La Description en Français

Matsyendrasana est un mot derivé par les Sanskrit mots “Matsya” ça veut dire poisson et “Indra” ça veut dire le roi.

Ce asana que est nommé après le roi Matsyendranath a beaucoup de avantages, qui sont:
  • En donnent un égal stretch à les deux le colonne vertébrale et l’estomac à la même temp, cet asana rétrécit les muscles et renforce le colonne vertébrale avec le développement de la flexibilité.
  • Cet asana est très bénéfique pour le traitement de la maladie de hernie discale.
  • Ce améliore le processus de digestion en une personne.
  • Cet asana a été prouvé très bénéfique pour le traitement de maladie de diabetes et aussi acidité.
  • Ce aide pour le bon fonctionnement des glandes surrénales (les glandes que aide le corp pour contrôler la glycémie, règlementer la tension artérielle, de libérer le glucose stocké et donc de vitaliser l’organisme, etc.)

Donc, si pratiquée sous la direction correcte et avec le confort, cet asana est très bien pour le santé

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Matsyendrasana- Spinal Twist

Matsyendrasana is derived from the Sanskrit words “Matsya” meaning Fish and “Indra” meaning King. It is also known as Vakrasana, where “Vakra” signifies the meaning of twisted.
This asana named after the one of the founders of Hatha Yog-Matsyendranath, has many benefits, which are:

  • By giving an equal stretch to both spine and stomach at the same time, this asana straiten the muscles and strengthens the spinal cord along with developing the flexibility.
  • This asana is extremely beneficial for the treatment of slip-disk.
  • It improves the digestion process in an individual.
  • It has proven very beneficial for the treatment of diabetes as well as acidity.
  • It leads to the proper functioning of the adrenal glands (the glands that help the body control blood sugar, burn protein and fat, react to stressors like a major illness or injury, and regulate blood pressure).

Thus, if performed under proper guidance and with comfort, this asana proves to very beneficial to the health.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Vajrasana- La Description en Français


<<Vajrasana se fait par à genoux et placer les fesses entre les talons, le gros orteil droit chevauchant la gauche.>> comme le Hatha Yog Padipika dit.

Vajrasana est un mot deriver par le Sanskrit mot “Vajra” ça veut dire le coup de tonnerre ou incassable.
Le pratique de Vajrasana est très bénéfique pour la santé, dont quelques uns sont:
  • Aide à traitement de constipation, acidité et trouble de l’estomac parce qu’il améliore la système digestif.
  • Aide à se débarrasser des maux de dos.
  • Aide pour reduction de obésité.
  • Ce renforce les muscles de la cuisse.
  • Ce améliore et augment la circulation sanguine.

Avec cette, c’est remarquable que Vajrasana est seulement l’asana qui pourrait être fait à n’importe quel situations, indépendamment d’un estomac vide ou non. Il faut que le personne qui a les maladie de genou ou est enceinte ne pratique pas Vajrasana et aussi quand le genou et les chevilles n’est pas suffisamment flexible.

Friday, January 1, 2016



“Vajrasana is done by kneeling & placing the buttocks between the heels, the right big toe overlapping the left"-as the Hatha Yog Padipika states. 

Vajrasana is derived from the Sanskrit word “Vajra” that means the thunderbolt or unbreakable. 
The Practice of Vajrasana is extremely beneficial for health, as few benefits are as follow:
  • Helpful in curation of constipation, acidity and stomach disorder as it improves the digestion system.
  • Helps in getting rid of the back pain.
  • Helps in  obesity reduction.
  • It strengthens the thigh muscles.
  • It improves and increases the blood circulation. 
Along with all these benefits, it is also remarkable, that Vajrasana is the only asana that could be done in all the conditions, irrespective of having an empty stomach or not. It is always to be taken care of not practicing Vajrasana until the ankles and knees are sufficiently flexible. Vajrasana is not advisable in patient suffering from knee problems or in pregnancy when extra weight cannot be borne by the knee joints.